

Over the past few years, my preferences for various Hoya species have undergone multiple changes as I've cultivated my collection. Nonetheless, amidst these fluctuations, there are a select few that I've consistently held dear. One such cherished variety is the Hoya Obovata. It's got this tough-as-nails attitude that lets it thrive anywhere, and those round, sturdy leaves won me over every time.

Not long ago, I popped a 3-leaf Hoya Obovata cutting in a vase on my desk, aiming to encourage the growth of new roots. This little cutting has now become a subject for my experimentation with shading using Redshift.

Throughout the journey, I encountered various technical hurdles. Adjusting to the node-based workflow of Redshift required a learning curve (though now I've grown very fond of its operation). The acquisition of skills like UV mapping and material layering marked uncharted territory. Rendering, as anticipated, proved to be a big challenge, requiring a later allotment of time to post-processing using Photoshop to achieve the desired outcome)

Cinema4D || Redshift

2023.7 책상풍경

2023.7 책상풍경

한글 실력이 녹슬었나 확인해 봄 ㅎㅎ

한글 실력이 녹슬었나 확인해 봄 ㅎㅎ